NASA  التطبيقات

ISSLive 1.0
Interact with live streaming data from the International SpaceStation (ISS), Take virtual 3D tours of the Mission Control Center(MCC) and ISS, and View console displays, crew and sciencetimelines for a fun, educational experience with NASA.Features:– Live streaming data from the ISS onboard systems and missiontimelines– Crew and Science timelines with individual crewmember, socialmedia, and international science experiment details– Console displays with live streaming systems data and educationalmaterial to describe how the ISS works– Virtual Mission Control Center is a 3D replica of the MCC inHouston, TX organized to describe how the mission control teamsupporting the ISS work– Links to the five International Partner Space Agencies missioninformation– Educational lessons that interact with the live streaming systemdata accessible through the website linkISSLive!: ISS Mission Control in Your PocketInternational Space Station Live! or ISSLive! includes a websiteand mobile applications that tie ISS streaming systems data andoperational timelines into one “Rich Internet Application (RIA)”experience. The application offers data on real time parameterssuch as station position, internal environment, altitude, payloadrack science activities and other interesting data and crewactivities. ISSLive! ties this data into an interactive applicationwhich includes the latest social media feeds.ISSLive! contains a scrollable timeline, with a‘public-friendly’ view of crew and payload activities. It uses someof the latest interactive web content technologies, including 3Dinteractive virtual views of the MCC and ISS. ISSLive! is a“one-stop shop” for ISS data, letting users in on the fascinatingactivities that happen daily onboard the ISS.Working with the NASA Education Office, ISSLive! content servesas the basis for development of interactive lessons in the Science,Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. ISSLive! is also aresource for the space enthusiast, the educator, and the life-longlearner to participate in the mission of the ISS.
ISS Research Explorer
Explore the diverse ecosystem of experimentsbeing researched on the International Space Station – bothcompleted and ongoing. Investigate the results and benefits of manyof the experiments and find out why performing research in amicrogravity environment is so important. The Space StationResearch Explorer provides current information on ISS experiments,facilities and research results through video, photos, interactivemedia, and in-depth descriptions.The Experiments section provides access to the six main experimentcategories and their subcategories. Experiments are depicted asdots within the category system and the stems connecting the dotsto the system depict the length of time the experiment spent onorbit. Users can drill down to see specific experiments within thecategories and subcategories or search for a specific experiment orsubject using the search option. Experiment descriptions consist oflinks, images, and publications if available. The Experimentssection can be further narrowed by selecting a specific expeditionand sponsor by using the dials at the top right of the screenThe Facilities section provides an interior view of three of thestation modules; Columbus, Kibo, and Destiny, and an exterior viewof seven external facilities; ELC1-4, Columbus-EPF, JEM-EF and AMS.The module interiors can be navigated by dragging up and down tosee different sides of the module and left and right to view anyracks not shown on the screen. Tapping a rack gives a briefdescription of the rack and an experiment description if available.For the external facilities, the platform is shown and can berotated and zoomed. Payloads on the external racks are labeled andthe labels can be selected for more information.The Benefits section provides information on Human Health, EconomicDevelopment, Innovative Technology, Earth Benefits and Globaleducation. Selecting a section allows the benefits to beinvestigated further.The Media section provides access to two tabs: Podcasts, andVideos. Podcasts contains links to NASA ScienceCasts and Videoscontains links to Science related videos.The last section contains links to other Space station researchsites and NASA applications
A giant cone of inner tubes stacked togethermay someday help cargo, or even people, land on another planet orreturn to Earth. NASA calls the spacecraft technology HIAD -Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator.Learn the challenges NASA faces as it works to develop aninflatable spacecraft. Choose the right shape, materials andtrajectory to use a HIAD to bring cargo back from space.To successfully guide an inflatable spacecraft through the superheat of atmospheric re-entry requires the right stuff. If youinflate too early, your shape is incorrect or your material isn’tstrong enough - you burn up. And if you get all that right and missthe target the mission is a bust.Try your hand at landing a HIAD and become a rocket scientist.Advance through all stages at each of the four levels, collectingup to three stars for each successful landing.The HIAD game challenges players to successfully land a HIADafter launching from the International Space Station and arrivingat a target ground point on Earth. To successfully reach thetarget, players must:• Undock from the ISS and use thruster control to steer thespacecraft towards the desired de-orbit point• Inflate the HIAD aeroshell to reduce velocity and protect thepayload from the heat of atmospheric re-entry• Steer the inflated HIAD to the ground target prior to parachutedeployment, taking into account the prevailing winds• Customize the HIAD vehicle to achieve different performancecharacteristics to improve resultsFEATURES• Multiple spacecraft configurations and options• Speed and trajectory controls• In-game introduction• Four levels of engineering mastery• Locked levels• Scoring for each level• Help section• Links to related website
NASA Desert RATS Virtual Site 1.0
The Desert RATS Virtual Test Site is a 3-Denvironment that combines NASA models with topography and satelliteimagery to bring the Arizona analog to your mobile device. Navigateyour avatar around the 2011 Base Camp to see hardware NASA istesting in the field. Visit kiosks at each asset to learn about howit fits into the future of space exploration and link to theprojects on the web. An aerial map is also provided to show NASAscience sites along the Black Point Lava Flow and share thequestions geologists hope to answer during the outing.About Desert RATS:For 14 years NASA's Desert Research and Technology Studies (DesertRATS) analog has brought together scientists and engineers to testrobotic equipment, vehicles, habitats, space suits, communications,and power generation and storage in remote locations similar tofuture destinations in space. The teams evaluate mobility,infrastructure, and effectiveness in the harsh environments, andconduct scientific studies similar to those that would be performedon the moon, near Earth asteroids, or Mars and its moons. Analogslike Desert RATS provide NASA with data about strengths,limitations, and the validity of planned human-robotic explorationoperations, and help define ways to combine human and roboticefforts to enhance scientific exploration. Other NASA analoglocations include the Antarctic, oceans, and arctic and volcanicenvironments.
Space Place Prime 1.0
Space Place Prime brings you the best of NASAin one sleek, easy-to-navigate platform. A spinoff of NASA’spopular kids’ Space Place website (, SpacePlace Prime has something for all age groups. From timely,educational, and easy-to-read articles and activities from theSpace Place and other science websites, to the latest and mostimpressive NASA space and Earth imagery and a wide array ofinformational movies, there is plenty to keep everyone occupied andinformed. Content is updated daily, retaining the previous few daysworth of features. Favorites can be tagged for permanent archive.Facebook, twitter, and e-mail connections make any feature easy toshare.
Satellite Insight 1.0.1
Critical weather data floods into the GOES-R weather satellite. Youcan help!
LaRC Alerts 1.3.0
Receive Emergency alerts for Langley Research Center.
SSC Site Status 2.3.0
Access current Status, Severe Weather and Outdoor Notification infofor Stennis
GLOBE Observer 3.0.0
GLOBE Observer invites you to take environmental observationssupporting NASA.
NASA Mars Cardboard Experience 1.0.37
Learn about how humans will utilize technology to pioneer the RedPlanet.
NASA Visualization Explorer
Discover. Learn. Explore. Download the app today.
Hazards and Population Mapper 1.0
Display natural hazard data along with population, infrastructure,and imagery.
To the Moon and Beyond 1.0.0
Build your mission to the Moon in this card game based on real NASAexperiments.
NASA Science: Humans in Space 1.0.7
Can you berth the supply vehicle while experiencing the effects ofmicrogravity?
Rocket Science: Ride to Statio 1.0.2
Help NASA launch a team into space and dock with the InternationalSpace Station
Aeronautics AR .01
Explore NASA Aeronautics with this augmented reality app featuringNASA X-Planes
DISCS – Drought Information 0.0.3
DISCS allows users to post local drought impact information.
NASA OSBP Mobile 2.1.0
Are you a small business looking to make a big difference?Whetheryou own an engineering company, develop new telemetrysoftwarealgorithms, or provide Information Technology services, theNASAOffice of Small Business Programs (OSBP) can help you makethatdifference at the Agency by providing the necessary tools rightatyour fingertips. OSBP Mobile is designed to help: • Provideactivecontract listings and requests for proposals • Network withSmallBusiness Specialists at each NASA Center • Explore thelatestAgency prime metrics data • Inform you of the latest smallbusinessnews and events Come make a BIG difference at NASA!
NASA NeMO-Net 1.0
Join the NASA team by helping us classify coral reefs!
NASA 2.05
The Official NASA app for Android
NASA Science Investigations: P 1.2
Grow a salad in space with NASA's Space Science Investigationsgame.
ISS Explorer 4.0.2
Discover things you never knew about the International SpaceStation.
GLOBE Data Entry 1.3
GLOBE’s Data Entry App supports entering data for many of GLOBE’sprotocols.
NASA's First Woman 0.4.6
Explore NASA's first interactive graphic novel!
WeatherSats AR 1.05
Learn about weather satellites and our planet’s weather as it looksfrom space.
Spot the Station 1.0.0
Never miss a sighting of the International Space Station.
NASA OSBP Mobile 3.0
Empowering Small Business
NASA SAFE is the official safety app of NASA.